It’s very important to know some meaning in Hindi.
- “Fuck” is a strong and offensive word in English that people use in different ways. It can show anger, frustration, or surprise. Sometimes, people also use it in casual conversations, but it is not polite or appropriate in many situations. It’s important to be careful when and where you use it, as it can upset others.
- “FUCK” अंग्रेजी में एक कठोर और आक्रामक शब्द है जिसका लोग अलग-अलग तरीकों से इस्तेमाल करते हैं। यह गुस्सा, हताशा या आश्चर्य दिखा सकता है। कभी-कभी, लोग इसे सामान्य बातचीत में भी इस्तेमाल करते हैं, लेकिन कई स्थितियों में यह विनम्र या उचित नहीं है। जब आप इसका इस्तेमाल करते हैं तो सावधान रहना ज़रूरी है, क्योंकि यह दूसरों को परेशान कर सकता है।
- aesthetic meaning :
- obsessed meaning :
- what meaning in hindi :
- cringe meaning :
- emoji meaning :
- procrastination meaning :
- selenophile meaning :
Here are the meanings of the requested words:
- Aesthetic:
- Related to beauty or the way something looks and feels.
- Example: The painting has a unique aesthetic that everyone admires.
- In Hindi: सौंदर्य से संबंधित (Saundarya se sambandhit).
- Obsessed:
- Thinking about something or someone all the time in an intense or unhealthy way.
- Example: He is obsessed with video games.
- In Hindi: जुनूनी (Junooni).
- What (in Hindi):
- The meaning of “what” in Hindi is क्या (Kya).
- Cringe:
- Feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable because of something awkward, silly, or unpleasant.
- Example: His jokes were so bad they made everyone cringe.
- In Hindi: सिकुड़ना (Sikurna) or शर्म महसूस करना (Sharm mehsoos karna).
- Emoji:
- Small digital icons or symbols used in messages to express emotions, ideas, or things.
- Example: 😊 (smile), ❤️ (love).
- In Hindi: भावनाएं व्यक्त करने के लिए छोटे प्रतीक (Bhavnaayein vyakt karne ke liye chhote pratik).
- Procrastination:
- Delaying or postponing something that needs to be done.
- Example: Her procrastination caused her to miss the deadline.
- In Hindi: काम टालने की आदत (Kaam taalne ki aadat).
- Selenophile:
- A person who loves the moon.
- Example: She loves staring at the night sky because she is a true selenophile.
- In Hindi: चंद्रमा प्रेमी (Chandrama Premi).
- pov meaning :
- spouse meaning :
- narcissist meaning :
- nostalgia meaning :
- nostalgic meaning :
- indeed meaning :
- empathy meaning :
- intimate meaning :
- integrity meaning :
- autism meaning :
Here are the meanings of the requested words:
- POV (Point of View):
- The way someone sees or thinks about something, or the perspective from which a story is told.
- Example: From her POV, the decision was unfair.
- In Hindi: दृष्टिकोण (Drishtikon).
- Spouse:
- A person’s husband or wife.
- Example: She introduced her spouse at the party.
- In Hindi: पति या पत्नी (Pati ya Patni).
- Narcissist:
- A person who is overly self-centered and thinks very highly of themselves, often ignoring others’ feelings.
- Example: A narcissist often seeks constant admiration.
- In Hindi: आत्ममुग्ध व्यक्ति (Aatmamugdh vyakti).
- Nostalgia:
- A feeling of happiness mixed with sadness when remembering the past.
- Example: Listening to old songs brings a sense of nostalgia.
- In Hindi: अतीत की मधुर स्मृतियां (Ateet ki madhur smritiyan).
- Nostalgic:
- Feeling or causing a longing for the past.
- Example: The photos made her feel nostalgic.
- In Hindi: अतीत को याद करते हुए (Ateet ko yaad karte hue).
- Indeed:
- Used to emphasize or confirm something.
- Example: The food was indeed delicious.
- In Hindi: वास्तव में (Vastav mein).
- Empathy:
- The ability to understand and share the feelings of someone else.
- Example: Her empathy made her a great friend.
- In Hindi: सहानुभूति (Sahanubhuti).
- Intimate:
- Close, personal, or private, often referring to a deep emotional connection.
- Example: They shared an intimate conversation.
- In Hindi: घनिष्ठ (Ghanishth) or अंतरंग (Antarang).
- Integrity:
- Being honest and having strong moral principles.
- Example: He is known for his integrity in business.
- In Hindi: ईमानदारी (Imandari) or अखंडता (Akhandata).
- Autism:
- A developmental condition that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. It exists on a spectrum, meaning it varies in severity.
- Example: Children with autism may experience the world differently.
- In Hindi: आत्मकेंद्रितता (Aatmakendritta).
- vulnerable meaning :
- compliance meaning :
- overwhelmed meaning :
- prejudice meaning :
- 143 meaning :
- simp meaning :
- euphoria meaning :
- nausea meaning :
- sarcastic meaning :
- leverage meaning :
Here are the meanings of the requested words:
- Vulnerable:
- Easily hurt or affected, either physically or emotionally.
- Example: She felt vulnerable after sharing her secrets.
- In Hindi: कमजोर या संवेदनशील (Kamzor ya Samvedansheel).
- Compliance:
- Following rules, instructions, or standards.
- Example: The company ensured compliance with safety regulations.
- In Hindi: अनुपालन (Anupalan).
- Overwhelmed:
- Feeling very emotional or unable to handle something because it is too much.
- Example: He was overwhelmed with joy at the surprise.
- In Hindi: अभिभूत (Abhibhoot) या दबाव में (Dabav mein).
- Prejudice:
- Unfair opinions or judgments about someone or something without knowing all the facts.
- Example: Prejudice often leads to discrimination.
- In Hindi: पूर्वाग्रह (Purvagrah).
- 143:
- A numerical way to say “I love you” (1 = I, 4 = Love, 3 = You).
- Example: He texted her “143” as a sweet message.
- In Hindi: “मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूं” का संक्षिप्त रूप.
- Simp:
- A slang term used for someone who shows excessive attention or devotion to someone else, often romantically, in a way that seems overly eager.
- Example: He’s acting like a simp for her by doing everything she asks.
- In Hindi: अति समर्पित व्यक्ति (Ati Samarpit Vyakti) (slang context-specific).
- Euphoria:
- A feeling of intense happiness or excitement.
- Example: Winning the competition filled her with euphoria.
- In Hindi: अत्यधिक खुशी (Atyadhik Khushi).
- Nausea:
- The feeling of wanting to vomit or feeling sick in the stomach.
- Example: The bad smell caused nausea.
- In Hindi: मतली (Matli).
- Sarcastic:
- Saying something in a way that means the opposite, often to mock or tease.
- Example: When he said, “Great job,” he was being sarcastic because the work was poorly done.
- In Hindi: व्यंग्यात्मक (Vyangyatmak).
- Leverage:
- Using something to your advantage, or influence over others.
- Example: She used her experience as leverage to get the promotion.
- In Hindi: लाभ उठाना या प्रभाव (Labh Uthana ya Prabhav).
- perseverance meaning :
- chaos meaning :
- milf meaning :
- cognitive meaning :
- resilience meaning :
- sarcasm meaning :
- hustle meaning :
- rsvp meaning :
- what meaning in hindi :
- serenity meaning :
Here are the meanings of the requested words:
- Perseverance:
- Continued effort to achieve something despite difficulties or delays.
- Example: Her perseverance helped her succeed in the marathon.
- In Hindi: दृढ़ता (Dridhata).
- Chaos:
- A state of complete confusion and disorder.
- Example: The room was in chaos after the party.
- In Hindi: अराजकता (Arajakta) or अव्यवस्था (Avyavastha).
- A slang term that stands for “Mom I’d Like to Friend (or more often, date or admire romantically).”
- Example: It’s a slang term often used in informal or pop-culture contexts.
- In Hindi: This is informal slang without a direct Hindi equivalent.
- Cognitive:
- Related to mental processes like thinking, learning, and understanding.
- Example: Cognitive skills are important for problem-solving.
- In Hindi: संज्ञानात्मक (Sangyanatmak).
- Resilience:
- The ability to recover quickly from difficulties or challenges.
- Example: Her resilience after the setback was inspiring.
- In Hindi: लचीलापन (Lachilapan) or सहनशीलता (Sahansheelta).
- Sarcasm:
- Using irony to mock or convey contempt.
- Example: When he said, “Oh great, more homework,” it was sarcasm.
- In Hindi: व्यंग्य (Vyangya).
- Hustle:
- Working hard and energetically, often to achieve success quickly.
- Example: He hustles every day to grow his business.
- In Hindi: मेहनत करना (Mehnat Karna) or धक्का-मुक्की करना (Dhakka-Mukki Karna) depending on the context.
- A request for a response to an invitation, standing for Répondez S’il Vous Plaît (French for “Please respond”).
- Example: Don’t forget to RSVP for the wedding.
- In Hindi: कृपया उत्तर दें (Kripya Uttar De).
- What (in Hindi):
- The meaning of “what” in Hindi is क्या (Kya).
- Serenity:
- A state of calmness, peace, and tranquility.
- Example: Meditation brings a sense of serenity.
- In Hindi: शांति (Shanti).
- optimistic meaning :
- metaphor meaning :
- vamos meaning :
- inflation meaning :
- naive meaning :
- sophisticated meaning :
- obsessed meaning in hindi :
- anonymous meaning :
- habibi meaning :
- niche meaning :
Here are the meanings of the requested words:
- Optimistic:
- Expecting good things to happen; having a positive outlook.
- Example: She is optimistic about her future.
- In Hindi: आशावादी (Aashaavadi).
- Metaphor:
- A figure of speech where one thing is compared to another without using “like” or “as.”
- Example: “Time is a thief” is a metaphor, meaning time takes away moments like a thief takes things.
- In Hindi: रूपक (Roopak).
- Vamos:
- A Spanish word meaning “Let’s go!”
- Example: Vamos to the beach!
- In Hindi: चलो (Chalo).
- Inflation:
- A rise in prices over time, reducing the value of money.
- Example: The inflation rate increased this year.
- In Hindi: मुद्रास्फीति (Mudraasphiti).
- Naive:
- Showing a lack of experience or judgment; innocent or overly trusting.
- Example: She was naive to believe every word he said.
- In Hindi: भोला-भाला (Bhola-Bhala).
- Sophisticated:
- Showing advanced knowledge, culture, or elegance; well-developed or complex.
- Example: The software has a sophisticated design.
- In Hindi: परिष्कृत (Parishkrit) or परिपक्व (Paripakva).
- Obsessed (in Hindi):
- जुनूनी (Junooni).
- Anonymous:
- Without revealing one’s name or identity.
- Example: The donation was made by an anonymous person.
- In Hindi: गुमनाम (Gumnaam).
- Habibi:
- An Arabic term meaning “My dear” or “My beloved,” used as an endearment.
- Example: Thank you, habibi!
- In Hindi: मेरे प्रिय (Mere Priya).
- Niche:
- A specialized or specific area of interest, focus, or activity.
- Example: She found her niche in digital marketing.
- In Hindi: विशेष स्थान (Vishesh Sthaan) or खास क्षेत्र (Khaas Kshetra).
- pervert meaning :
- obliged meaning :
- compassion meaning :
- sovereign meaning :
- sugar daddy meaning :
- subtle meaning :
- hodophile meaning :
- maiden name meaning :
- cliche meaning :
Here are the meanings of the requested words:
- Pervert:
- A person whose behavior, especially related to sexuality, is considered unacceptable or morally wrong.
- Example: He was labeled a pervert because of his inappropriate actions.
- In Hindi: विकृत व्यक्ति (Vikrit Vyakti) or व्यभिचारी (Vyabhichari).
- Obliged:
- Feeling thankful or indebted to someone for a favor or service; or required to do something.
- Example: I’m obliged to you for your kindness.
- In Hindi: बाध्य (Badhya) or आभारी (Abhari).
- Compassion:
- A deep feeling of sympathy and a desire to help others in distress.
- Example: She showed great compassion toward the homeless.
- In Hindi: दया (Daya) or करुणा (Karuna).
- Sovereign:
- A supreme ruler, like a king or queen, or having ultimate power and independence.
- Example: India became a sovereign nation in 1947.
- In Hindi: संप्रभु (Samprabhu) or स्वायत्त (Svayatt).
- Sugar Daddy:
- A slang term for a wealthy older man who spends money on a younger person, often in exchange for companionship or a romantic relationship.
- Example: She said her sugar daddy bought her a car.
- In Hindi: आम बोलचाल में उपयोग होने वाला शब्द; कोई वृद्ध पुरुष जो धन से मदद करता है (Context-specific).
- Subtle:
- Not obvious or easy to notice; delicate or understated.
- Example: Her perfume had a subtle fragrance.
- In Hindi: सूक्ष्म (Sookshma) or हल्का (Halka).
- Hodophile:
- A person who loves to travel.
- Example: As a hodophile, she has visited over 20 countries.
- In Hindi: यात्रा-प्रेमी (Yatra Premi).
- Maiden Name:
- A woman’s family name before she gets married and changes her last name.
- Example: Her maiden name was Sharma before she married Mr. Singh.
- In Hindi: विवाह-पूर्व का नाम (Vivah-Poorv Ka Naam).
- Cliché:
- An overused phrase or idea that has lost its originality or meaning.
- Example: “Time heals all wounds” is a cliché.
- In Hindi: घिसा-पिटा विचार (Ghisa-Pita Vichar) or पुराना मुहावरा (Purana Muhavara).
- inevitable meaning :
- rizz meaning :
- tentative meaning :
- obsessed meaning in hindi :
- i meaning in hindi :
- 69 meaning in life :
- cringe meaning in tamil :
- hello meaning in hindi :
- gorgeous meaning in hindi :
- credit meaning in hindi :
Here are the meanings of the requested words:
- Inevitable:
- Something that is certain to happen and cannot be avoided.
- Example: It was inevitable that the team would win after such hard work.
- In Hindi: अनिवार्य (Anivarya).
- Rizz:
- Slang for the ability to charm or attract someone, especially in a romantic or flirtatious way.
- Example: He’s got rizz when it comes to talking to girls.
- In Hindi: This is a slang term, and there’s no direct Hindi equivalent.
- Tentative:
- Not certain or fixed; uncertain or experimental.
- Example: The meeting is at a tentative time, it might change.
- In Hindi: अस्थायी (Asthai) or संकोचपूर्ण (Sankochnpurn).
- Obsessed (in Hindi):
- जुनूनी (Junooni).
- I (in Hindi):
- “I” in Hindi is मैं (Main).
- 69 meaning in life:
- In popular culture, the number 69 is often associated with a sexual innuendo or pose, but its meaning in life is usually tied to humor or reference to balance and duality, as the number represents two figures that are mirror images of each other.
- In Hindi: Life में इसे हल्के-फुल्के या मजाकिया संदर्भ में लिया जाता है, लेकिन इसका गहरा दार्शनिक अर्थ नहीं होता।
- Cringe (in Tamil):
- The meaning of “cringe” in Tamil is சிரிப்பு கொள்ளும் (Sirippu kollum), referring to feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable because of something awkward or embarrassing.
- Hello (in Hindi):
- नमस्ते (Namaste) or नमस्कार (Namaskar).
- Gorgeous (in Hindi):
- सुंदर (Sundar) or खूबसूरत (Khoobsurat).
- Credit (in Hindi):
- श्रेय (Shrey) or ऋण (Rin) depending on the context (e.g., credit for an achievement or credit as in a loan).
- adorable meaning in hindi :
- which meaning in hindi :
- possessive meaning in hindi :
- random meaning in hindi :
- gratitude meaning in hindi :
- sarcasm meaning in hindi :
- what’s up meaning in hindi :
- forever meaning in hindi :
- hi meaning in hindi :
- what about you meaning in hindi :
Here are the meanings of the requested words in Hindi:
- Adorable:
- प्यारा (Pyaara) or अत्यधिक आकर्षक (Atyadhik Aakarshak).
- Which:
- कौन सा (Kaun Sa) or किस (Kis).
- Possessive:
- अधिकारवाला (Adhikaarwala) or स्वामित्वपूर्ण (Swamitvapurn).
- Random:
- यादृच्छिक (Yadrichhik) or बिना योजना के (Bina Yojana Ke).
- Gratitude:
- आभार (Aabhaar) or कृतज्ञता (Krutagnata).
- Sarcasm:
- व्यंग्य (Vyangya) or उपहास (Upahasa).
- What’s up:
- क्या हो रहा है? (Kya Ho Raha Hai?) or क्या चल रहा है? (Kya Chal Raha Hai?).
- Forever:
- हमेशा (Hamesha) or सद forever (Sada Ke Liye).
- Hi:
- नमस्ते (Namaste) or हैलो (Hello).
- What about you:
- तुम्हारा क्या हाल है? (Tumhara Kya Haal Hai?) or तुम्हारा क्या? (Tumhara Kya?).
- mine meaning in hindi :
- from meaning in hindi :
- that meaning in hindi :
- pursuing meaning in hindi :
- niece meaning in hindi :
Here are the meanings of the requested words in Hindi:
- Mine:
- मेरा/मेरी (Mera/Meri) depending on the gender of the noun.
- Example: This is mine. – यह मेरा है (Yeh mera hai) or यह मेरी है (Yeh meri hai).
- From:
- से (Se).
- Example: I am from India. – मैं भारत से हूं (Main Bharat se hoon).
- That:
- वह (Vah) for something distant or singular.
- Example: That is a book. – वह एक किताब है (Vah ek kitaab hai).
- Pursuing:
- अनुसरण करना (Anusaran Karna) or पीछा करना (Peecha Karna), meaning to follow or chase after something (e.g., a goal or career).
- Example: She is pursuing her dreams. – वह अपने सपनों का अनुसरण कर रही है (Woh apne sapno ka anusaran kar rahi hai).
- Niece:
- भतीजी (Bhatiji) for a brother’s daughter or भांजी (Bhanji) for a sister’s daughter.
- Example: My niece is very cute. – मेरी भतीजी बहुत प्यारी है (Meri bhatiji bahut pyaari hai).
- aesthetic meaning in hindi :
- horny meaning in english :
- debited meaning in hindi :
- depression meaning in hindi :
- soulmate meaning in hindi :
- intimate meaning in hindi :
Here are the meanings of the requested words:
- Aesthetic (in Hindi):
- सौंदर्यशास्त्र (Saundaryashastra) or सौंदर्यपूर्ण (Saundaryapurn), meaning related to beauty or artistic expression.
- Example: She has an aesthetic sense of design. – उसका डिजाइन में सौंदर्यशास्त्र है (Uska design mein saundaryashastra hai).
- Horny (in English):
- Slang for feeling sexually excited or desiring sexual activity.
- Example: He felt horny after the romantic movie.
- Note: It is informal and often used in casual or slang contexts.
- Debited (in Hindi):
- डेबिट किया गया (Debit kiya gaya), meaning an amount that has been deducted from an account.
- Example: The amount has been debited from your account. – राशि आपके खाते से डेबिट कर दी गई है (Rashi aapke khaate se debit kar di gayi hai).
- Depression (in Hindi):
- उदासी (Udaasi) or मनोवृत्ति विकार (Manovritti Vikar), referring to a mental state of sadness or a medical condition.
- Example: She is going through a phase of depression. – वह उदासी के दौर से गुजर रही है (Woh udaasi ke daur se guzar rahi hai).
- Soulmate (in Hindi):
- आत्मिक साथी (Aatmik Saathi), referring to someone with whom one has a deep, spiritual connection.
- Example: He believes she is his soulmate. – वह मानता है कि वह उसकी आत्मिक साथी है (Woh maanta hai ki woh uski aatmik saathi hai).
- Intimate (in Hindi):
- गहरे और निजी (Gehre aur Niji), meaning close or personal, often used to describe a close relationship or private matters.
- Example: They shared an intimate conversation. – उन्होंने एक गहरी और निजी बातचीत की (Unhone ek gehri aur niji baatcheet ki).
- spam meaning in hindi :
- philosophy meaning in hindi :
- whether meaning in hindi :
- constipation meaning in hindi :
- sister in law meaning in hindi :
- savage meaning in hindi :
- how are you doing meaning in hindi :
- democracy meaning in hindi :
- where are you from meaning in hindi :
- entrepreneur meaning in hindi :
- what are you doing meaning in hindi :
- who are you meaning in hindi :
- hubby meaning in hindi :
- ego meaning in hind :
- chaos meaning in hindi :
- cousin meaning in hindi :
- content meaning in hindi :
- fever meaning in hindi :
- communication meaning in hindi :
- fatigue meaning in hindi :
- individual meaning in hindi :
- dear meaning in hindi :
- precipitation meaning in hindi :
- often meaning in hindi :
- love meaning in hindi :
- loyal meaning in hindi :
- have meaning in hindi :
- fr meaning in chat :
- angel meaning in hindi :
- rude meaning in hindi :
- disappearing messages meaning in hindi :
- bestie meaning in hindi :
- take care meaning in hindi :
- credit meaning in hindi :
Here are the meanings of the words you requested in Hindi:
1. Spam – अवांछित संदेश / स्पैम (Unsolicited or irrelevant messages)
2. Philosophy – दर्शनशास्त्र (Study of fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence)
3. Whether – क्या (Indicating a doubt or choice)
4. Constipation – कब्जियत (Difficulty in passing stools)
5. Sister-in-law – बहन-in-law (भाभी / ननद depending on context)
6. Savage – क्रूर / जंगली (Wild, untamed, or brutal)
7. How are you doing? – तुम कैसे हो? (How are you?)
8. Democracy – लोकतंत्र (A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members)
9. Where are you from? – तुम कहाँ से हो? (Asking about origin or place of residence)
10. Entrepreneur – उद्यमी (A person who starts and runs a business)
11. What are you doing? – तुम क्या कर रहे हो? (Asking about current activity)
12. Who are you? – तुम कौन हो? (Asking someone’s identity)
13. Hubby – पति (Informal term for husband)
14. Ego – अहंकार (Self-importance or self-esteem)
15. Chaos – अराजकता (Complete disorder and confusion)
16. Cousin – चचेरा भाई / चचेरी बहन (Relative from either parent’s side)
17. Content – सामग्री (Substance, topics, or information within something)
18. Fever – बुखार (High body temperature)
19. Communication – संचार (The process of exchanging information)
20. Fatigue – थकान (Extreme tiredness or exhaustion)
21. Individual – व्यक्ति (A single human being)
22. Dear – प्रिय (Loved or cherished)
23. Precipitation – वर्षा (Rain or any form of water falling from the sky)
24. Often – अक्सर (Frequently)
25. Love – प्यार (Deep affection or care)
26. Loyal – वफादार (Faithful and supportive)
27. Have – होना (To possess)
28. FR (in chat) – सच में (Short for “for real,” used to confirm sincerity)
29. Angel – देवदूत (A supernatural being, or a kind-hearted person)
30. Rude – अभद्र (Impolite or disrespectful)
31. Disappearing Messages – गायब होने वाले संदेश (Messages that automatically vanish after being read)
32. Bestie – सबसे अच्छा दोस्त (Best friend)
33. Take Care – ध्यान रखना (To look after oneself)
34. Credit – श्रेय (Recognition or acknowledgment)
The word “Credit” has multiple meanings in different contexts. Here are the key meanings in Hindi:
1. समान्यता / श्रेय (Recognition or Acknowledgment):
– When someone is given credit for something, it means they are acknowledged or praised for their contribution or achievement.
– Example: “उसने प्रोजेक्ट की सफलता के लिए पूरा श्रेय लिया।” (He took full credit for the success of the project.)
2. ऋण (Loan or Borrowing):
– In finance, credit refers to borrowing money with the agreement to pay it back later.
– Example: “उसने बैंक से एक बड़ी ऋण लिया।” (He took a large credit from the bank.)
3. क्रेडिट कार्ड (Credit Card):
– A plastic card issued by a bank or financial institution that allows the holder to borrow funds to make purchases or pay for services.
– Example: “मैंने अपनी क्रेडिट कार्ड से बिल भुगतान किया।” (I paid the bill with my credit card.)
4. वित्तीय मान्यता (Financial Recognition):
– In business, credit can also refer to the ability to borrow money or the trust a lender has in someone to repay a debt.
– Example: “उसकी अच्छा क्रेडिट स्कोर है।” (He has a good credit score.)
5. अच्छे गुण या सद्गुण (Moral or Positive Attribute):
– Credit can also mean the positive aspects of a person’s character or behavior.
– Example: “उसकी मेहनत को श्रेय दिया जाता है।” (His hard work is given credit.)